Monday, March 15, 2010

What are the ways to get rid of acne and scars?

hey. i have really bad acne scars on my face, forehead especially and now my cheeks too. i really wanna get rid of them as soon as possible. i know i shouldn't have popped them but i couldnt stand having all the fresh red bumps on my face. not just tiny ones but big ones too. ugh. it's horrible. i have this whole acne attack like last 3 years and it just got worse this year. it's like new ones will pop once the old ones heal. it's a never ending ordeal. :( i'm using Simple products right now and i hope it will help. i've got a sensitive, acne prone skin so anything stronger will aggravate my skin. im also keeping an extra eye on my diet now. i guess it's one the reason the acne's lingering. but the scars are killing me. i also have scars on my legs (shanks) and they are fugly. these insect bites (scars) thanks to camping trip seemed to stay forever. my mum's asking me to use body scrubs with vit E and friends suggested cocoa butter. :( any idea what should i use/do? tnx. xxx
What are the ways to get rid of acne and scars?
its normal to have acne because your growing up

wash your face every morning and at night

vitamin E heals scars..i use it

and for acne..there is a correct way to pop them

use q-tips (2) , press down on the sides, stop when

you see blood coming out,
What are the ways to get rid of acne and scars?
i also had acne on my forehead, face, and cheeks, even partly on my back. there is this foaming wash my dermatologist prescribed 2 me called CLENIA, and it really works.

(however its only by perscription)

hope this helps :)
Reply:Vitamin-E lotion is the best for scars.

Use it regularly after bath.

For acne, avoid oily food and meat.

Wash your face often with plain water to remove dust that would have settled on the skin.

Dont use soap too often, it dries the skin and irritates the acne.

Use scrubs only if your doctor permits.

Dont pop your acne because it leaves a depression and its permanent

Good luck!!


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