Sunday, March 14, 2010

Red acne scars?

I've had minor acne for quite a while now.

I was perscribed Zineryt by my Doctor and it has worked wonders and I do not get spots anymore, I am also on the Proactiv system.

But when I look in the mirror, there are still a few remnants of old spots. I'm not sure if they are scars exactly, as they don't look like craters. They look more like red dots, as in they look like a spot but without the bump/form of a spot - so just red marks on the skin which don't go.

How can I get rid of these? Thanks.
Red acne scars?
Red spots will fade over time. You can speed things along a bit by exfoliating the skin. Creams or lotions with AHAs will do that, as will Retin-A. Since you're already using stuff for your acne, you might be better off using a mild buffer pad or sponge.

If the scars were indented, you would need treatment such as lasers, but for red spots, just time or exfoliation should do the trick. More info at
Red acne scars?
I have those, too. They suck. You can try Vitamin E or a more expensive solution which I use and I LOVE is the La Mer Concentrate.
Reply:You could try Vitamin E capsules, either speading the gel on your face or taking it orally
Reply:yea i got that problem. nothing seems to work.
Reply:well when you get rid of a zit, you dont exactly get rid of all the stuff that was inside of it. the pore is still there and so is dirt

just do the best you can to follow the proactive system, i use it but its not doing me any good
Reply:Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar. Check out for more useful info.
Reply:peels :)

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