Monday, March 15, 2010

Dermabrasion for acne scars?

I have slightly deep pitted acne scars.

I went to a plastic surgeon and I was going to get laser done.. but he said I'm a 6 on a scale of 1-10 on the severeness 10 being most severe.. and he really wanted to punch grafts and then dermabrasion. I've heard a lot of bad/awful/horrible stuff about dermabrasion so I don't know if I should? My parents are scaring me about it but on the other hand I've talked to people who like it? Laser apparently was not an option because the scarring was too deep. Any advice?
Dermabrasion for acne scars?
I've heard good things about it. The worst part is the procedure. I would recommend it, and with how severe your scars are it would be a good treatment.
Dermabrasion for acne scars?
Have you heard of the acne drug, accutane. It is known

to reduce the pitting that cystic acne produces. Look it up

on the computer. Good luck...

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