Monday, March 15, 2010

Can Having Acne Scars Affect an Interview?

Can having acne and acne scars affect a person's chances of getting a job during and interview?
Can Having Acne Scars Affect an Interview?
Unfortunately, it's not certain that it won't affect your chances. Actually, there have been studies done that have concluded that people who are more attractive have less trouble getting a job than people who are considered to be unattractive (overweight, acne, dirty, etc.). Also unfortunate is the fact that these studies were primarily done with women. men usually don't have trouble getting a job based on appearances. If you've got acne, the best thing to do for an interview would be to cover it up as best as you can. try a make-up called DermaBlend. It covers everything from acne to tattoos.
Can Having Acne Scars Affect an Interview?
No. It is not the person's fault if they had acne. That would be predjudicial.
Reply:technically no.

However, it depends on how young you look and what possistion you are going for. If you appear too young, you may not look expereinced enough for the job.
Reply:If they do, then that's not a place you want to work for anyway.

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