Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Acne scar sufferers.....?

how do you get rid of your acne scars? i have tried everything from masques to lemon juice and seasalt to scar creams. please help me from this horrible looking disaster.
Acne scar sufferers.....?
I have for most of my nephews and my daughter advised them to use an over the counter bleaching cream name "Dr Palmer's". It can be found in most pharmacy or general stores and even beauty supply stores. I tell them to only apply the cream onto healed acne or other scars that are healed as well. Use a Q-Tip to apply it only to those areas and within just a couple of weeks all is well. The cream evens out the natural skin tone of your healty skin and leaves no uneven marks since you decide when to stop using it. (You know when it matches your regular skin when you can no longer tell where the scar was in the first place.) My daughter's skin was so bad she cried everyday because of it, now she is a diva.

Good Luck Sweetie, and if you can't find it email me.
Acne scar sufferers.....?
i recommend using cucumber slices (it's also great as an acne treatment). if you want acne scar remedies, visit and click on the acne link on the left. hope this helps.
Reply:not alot of ppl realize this, but first, drink water. don't drink any soda or carbonated drinks too much.

a more well-known thing to do is to eat more fruits and vegetables, mostly those containing vitamin E (cuz that helps improve your skin and does more; check out the source link)

I wouldn't use anything like creams on my skin but that's your choice. I just have the idea that it'd do more damage to me without me realizing it.

another thing, don't worry too much about it. look out more for your health, cuz it's your health that ultimately determines your physical looks and how you'll feel. try not to stress yourself out, unless its something that can't be helped (like finals, midterms, worst) and don't be frustrated.

umm, the 2 advices aren't something that'll have effects immediatlely but probably take a month. if you want something that'll get rid of it like right now, the best answer i got is makeup.

either way, drinking water and eating fruits and vegetables will be doing 2 things in one ( well actually more): you'll keep yourself hydrated, and you'll keep yourself from going hungry too much. it'll also save you money and time from buying facial creams masques and whatnot, mostly by the fact that when your eating healthy (w/ vegies nd fruits, some w/ vitamin E) you're also healing those scars as well.

I've gone through the same thing too, and when you go to college, money-wise this way saves lots and still will give results (just not right away).

hope this helps.
Reply:the only way you can really eliminate your acne scars is through chemical peels or through laser resurfacing treatments. either one is good but the recovery time is different for each procedure. the deeper the chemical peel the more recovery time, like 4 weeks. there are several laser treatments like a CO2 laser or the SmoothBeam laser that don't have such a long recovery time, you may just have prolonged redness.
Reply:i need the same answer check my myspace for pics
Reply:The juice of basil or tulsi leaves heals the skin and acne scars. More home remedies available at

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