Thursday, November 5, 2009

ANnoying acne scar..?

Hi there.. Im a 16 years old boy.. and im suffering a bad acne scarring... It look so uncomfortable.. or rather annoying.. sigh.. and have alot of negative remarks from both girls and boy friends.. My self-esteem become low.. I really doesn't know wat to do... i m feeling very down almost everyday since i look at my bad scarring throught the mirror.. And now i don't even have the gut to talk to any girls.. Pls help me..

ANnoying acne scar..?
Don't pick at dark skin. Picking can leave dark spots on the skin that can take a while to fade away. It can also cause keloid scars.

Do wash your pillowcase every night and always use clean face towels if you have acne–prone skin. Dirty towels and pillowcases can harbor bacteria and germs that can make acne worse.

Don't pick, pop, squeeze, or otherwise mess with your skin. Squeezing blemishes or whiteheads can lead to infection or scarring. It almost always makes the acne you have worse. You should never tangle with a whitehead as they'll go away on their own in a few days anyway. If you have a pimple with a yellow, pus–filled center and you must pop it,

see How to Pop A Pimple “ (On the same page)

• Gently wash the face twice daily with mild soap and pat dry. Do not scrub.Scrubbing irritates the skin

• Use "noncomedogenic" cosmetics and toiletries.

• Avoid things that aggravate acne such as grease or oils.

• Allow acne products enough time to work. With some treatments, it may take as long as 8 weeks for a show improvement.

• Some acne products increase the skins’ sensitivity to sunlight. Use protective clothing and sunscreen.”
ANnoying acne scar..?
see a dermatologist
Reply:I hope this could help you...
Reply:My brother had the same trouble with Acne he used a product call eryacne wich you can get from the doctor on a script it is a facial cream that you apply once a day and it realy helped his skin but everyones diffrent i suppose, i would go to the GP and ask for their advice they can run a test on your skin and advise you where to go from there, unless of course you have about $2000.00 for laser surgery.

Good luck

and if ppl are going to judge you by your skin then they are probbably not worth knowing anyway!!!!


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