Thursday, November 5, 2009

Acne scar treatment PLEASE!?

I am 14 and I used to have bad acne, but since I have been washing my face twice a day and using a reccomended disinfectant it has slowed down considerably. Unfortunately, I still have some acne scarring oh my forehead. It isn't really bad, but it is noticable and I want to get rid of it. Anybody have a solution?
Acne scar treatment PLEASE!?
Skin is a self healing organ (the largest organ in the body), and with assistance and treatment for acne it can recover from even serious acne outbreaks. We have assembled information about how you can have the best complexion possible and stay away from products that are potentially harmful or a waste of time and money.

What can your Skin do?

1. It repairs itself.

2. It is wonderfully elastic and pliable.

3. It registers sensations with such specificity that it lest the brain differentiate among them.

4. It not only feels but also remembers sensations.

5. It is incredibly resilient.

6. It is largely self-cleaning and rarely suffers from lasting infection.

7. It can let in certain important elements even while protecting you from others.

8. Most astonishing of all, our skin is capable of holding in the entire , huge amount of liquid that flows through our bodies.

Read more on Skin Care, Acne and Ane Treatment
Acne scar treatment PLEASE!?
try proactiv products and they also have a skin lightner product that works very well in removing acne scars. go to this website.

I would recommend homemade remedies, these information may help you out:

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