Thursday, November 5, 2009

Acne scar cure under $30?

most of the products nowadays cost $50 or more, anyone know cheap yet effective products?

i have a light acne problem, i figured how my acne works, i get acne when i sleep late, i dont wash my face or both.

but im mostly suffering on scars and little bit on acne.

any recommendations?
Acne scar cure under $30?
1) By using acne products it wont "cure it" it will prevent it.

2) ProActiv I saw a testominal that this young lady who used it for 2 years?? She wasn't satisified until she had to go under laser surgey which helped reducing the acne scars

3) Acne scars will never ever go away since you keep picking, scratching, squeezing on it or rubbing it

4) Acne doesn't appear late, that's on some cases, I think what you eat or drink has an effect on it such as caffine

5) Wash your face day and night, to unclog pores, remove bacteria in skin, reduce oil, refine %26amp; tone skin

6) Eat healthy, avoid touching, scratching your face, excerising helps.

7) Drink 8-10 cups of water, your bodsy loses up to 1.5 L water in your body. the other cups would help you take out those bad stuff in your body in urine and sweat.

I do have acne just like you and a few scars. I eat mostly veggies and drink lots water.
Acne scar cure under $30?
Try chemical peels. Cheap and 15% chance of pain.

Reply:I use Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Facial Moisturizer with Alpha/Beta Hydroxy Acids. It smoothes the tones of your skin and reduces the acne scaring. I also used this moisturiser when I had a knee reconstruction to heal the scars and they are almost non-existent now. Palmer's also have a Skin Success line that is more expensive, but the active ingredients are basically the same.

Try the Cocoa Butter Facial Moisturiser first, and if you have no joy, then move on to the Palmer's Skin success products

For any breakouts, I use tea tree oil. Just dab a bit on the affected area.
Reply:Retinoic acid would clear away the acne. It also causes mild skin peel which can remove the acne scars.

Use chemical skin peel, this would remove the superficial dermis and reveal the new, whiter, smoother skin underneath. Aside from remove scars and blemishes caused by acne, it will whiten and even out skin tone.

Check our website as we offer a safe and effective chemical peel that you can do at home.

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