Thursday, November 5, 2009

Acne scar problem - clearasil works?

i have serious acne problem.. well depends on how you look at it but i have acne and acne scars on my forehead and little spots / acne scars on my cheeks and chin. i want something that works and i don't really care how long it takes but it should be effective and please don't say proactive or laser surgery.. i heard clearasil works and i really want to try it out but i don't know which one to choose. any suggestions?

thanks :)
Acne scar problem - clearasil works?
if you have serious acne proactiv isnt going to work. try using clean and clear products. you can find products just for you skin type online. if you have tried their products with no luck move onto all natural products like zyporex. instead of using harsh chemicals that may irritate your face even more zyporex has all natural ingredients that help acne.
Acne scar problem - clearasil works?
i heard cocoa butter helps
Reply:toothpaste worked for me.
Reply:try proactive
Reply:No.... Its all the same as proactive and all that other junk. If you go to a dermatologist. ask for DIFFERIN its a night cream. they will give you a powerfull face wash with it too. It works. my friend was in the same boat as you are. After a month using it hes skin was doing much better....and he never had a brek out since
Reply:Um. Well i use proactive and i used to have really bad skin-scars and zits...pretty much the whole works. Now my skin is amazing! I absolutely love it and it really makes Your skin feel good. I haven't had perfectly clear skin like this since i was like 12 and started puberty. And i know it works because i was forced to stop using it for a week and my skin quality became really bad...but when i used it again my skin cleared right up. It has three things you use for it and they all work together for "combined therapy" to make your skin as perfect as it can be. No lie-i have heard from all my friends plus professionals on TV who say it is the best thing for your face no matter what the problem is.
Reply:You should try the Unblemish line from Rodan + Fields. It is the only line that worked for me! Look on their website and check it out. it is rodanandfields .com if it does not say it on their website you can get 10% off by putting reprf10395 in the promo box at checkout.
Reply:I have researched a lot on this subject. The best I have come up with is a home remedy from I will send you a link there are a couple great recipes that I have tried that work really well.

good luck and please give these home remedies a try.


Reply:If your acne is serious enough to cause scarring, then you should ideally see a dermatologist, as the most effective options are only available with a prescription.

In any case, you probably need what's referred to as "combination therapy" to effectively treat it -- to include a wash/cleanser, a treatment lotion, and possibly a toner. Several over-the-counter kits are available: Clean %26amp; Clear Advantage Acne Control Kit, Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Acne Therapy, and University Medical's acne kits. Select a kit that includes a comprehensive regimen to follow and go with that if you don't go to the doctor and see which one works best for you. You will have to give it two weeks to see if it's going to work really well, but you should ideally start seeing initial results within a few days.

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